Kappa Kappa Psi
"Founding Fathers"
William Alexander Scroggs
Class: 1922
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Major: Commerce and Marketing
Instrument: Cornet
Clubs and Organizations:
Literary Club; Band 1917-1921; Orchestra 1921-1922; Billy Club; YMCA; Delta Sigma Alpha; Alpha Kappa Psi; Founding Father
of Kappa Kappa Psi; Editor, Kappa
Kappa Psi
Later Accomplishments:
Grand Secretary
1923-1929; Grand 2nd Vice-President 1939-1941; Grand 1st Vice-President 1941-1943; District XI (California-Arizona) Counselor
Fact: Scroggs birthday is also November 27.
A. Andrew Frank Martin
Mr. Kappa Kappa Psi
Class: 1920
Hometown: Sallisaw, Oklahoma
Major: Education
Clubs and Organizations:
Social Editor O. and B.; Student Senate; Bandmaster,1919-1920;
Student Assistant in Shops; Vice President Education Society; YMCA Cabinet; Managing Editor 1920 Redskin; Lambda Chi Alpha;
Founding Father of Kappa Kappa Psi
Later Accomplishments:
Grand President 1919-1922; Third Executive Secretary 1939-1964
Died on June 9, 1982 at the age of 87. He is buried
in Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Quote: A man of work, wife and winnings.
Raymond D. Shannon
Class: 1921
Hometown: Perkins,
Major: Commerce and Marketing
Instrument: Cornet/Baritone
Clubs and Organizations:
Senate 1919-1920; Orchestra; President of College Band 1919-1920; President of Dramatic Club 1920-1921; Glee Club; College
Chorus; Wildcat; Business Manager 1920 Redskin; College Quartet; Deans Cabinet 1918; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Kappa Psi; Theta
Alpha Phi; Founding Father of Kappa Kappa Psi
Later Accomplishments:
Social Director at Ft. Monroe, VA; Music Director at Columbia University; Member of Phi Mu Alpha; Reorganized Long Island
Universitys Music Department & helped colonize the Beta Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi;
District IX (Northeast) Counselor
Quote: A true C. and M.er.
William H. Coppedge
Class: 1920
Hometown: Grove, Oklahoma
Commerce and Marketing
Instrument: French Horn
Clubs and Organizations:
Commerce Club;
O.and B. staff; Band 1916-1920, Treasurer; Treasurer Senior Class; Baseball, 1915-1916; Redskin Staff 1918-1919; Charter Member
of Lambda Chi Alpha; Founding Father of Kappa Kappa Psi; Designer of
Kappa Kappa Psi Badge (with Haston)
Later Accomplishments:
member of the Auburn University staff. Joined the Navy in WWI and played in the same band in New Orleans with A. Frank Martin.
He always felt that the Fraternity was the Heart of the Band. Died August 17, 1975 in Auburn, Alabama.
Not to love is not to live.
Clayton E. Soule
Class: 1921
Hometown: Nowata, Oklahoma
Instrument: Tuba
Clubs and Organizations:
Band; Engineering Society; Lambda
Chi Alpha; Founding Father of Kappa Kappa Psi
He is wise, he is witty, he is in love with a pity.
Carl A. Stevens
Hometown: Quapaw, Oklahoma
Major: Engineering
Instrument: Baritone
and Organizations:
Omega Literary Society; Treasurer Engineering Society 1920-1921; Director Engineering Show
1920; Guard of St. Patrick Band; Founding Father of Kappa Kappa Psi
He worked as an engineer in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. He was a long time member of the Tulsa
Community Band were he played Baritone.
Clyde Haston
Class: 1920
Tribbey, Oklahoma
Major: Agriculture
Instrument: Cornet
Clubs and Organizations:
Literary Society; Glee Club; Student Assistant Farming Engineer; Student Assistant, Agronomy; Drum Major 1918-1919; Sigma
Tau; Sigma Phi Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Founding Father of Kappa Kappa Psi;
Designer of Kappa Kappa Psi Badge (with Coppedge)
Buried in
Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Quote: Hes won Merit.
Dick Hurst
Class: 1922
Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Commerce and Marketing
Instrument: Cornet
Clubs and Organizations:
Freshman Class; College Band-four years, President 1922, Drum Major 1920-22; Student Senate; Wildcat; Enterprise Association
1920; Redskin Board 1920; Redskin Staff 1920; O. and B. Board 1920; Lambda Chi Alpha; Alpha Kappa Psi; Founding Father of
Kappa Kappa Psi
Later Accomplishments:
Secretary 1922-1923
Quote: A married man since 1919
Asher Hendrickson
Class: 1922
Hometown: Boyton, Oklahoma
Electrical Engineering
Instrument: Clarinet
Clubs and Organizations:
College Band 1917-1922;
Engineering Society 1917-1922, Treasurer 1919-1920; Manual Arts Club; Pledge to Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity; Founding Father
of Kappa Kappa Psi
Later Accomplishments:
Grand Treasurer
Iron Hawthorne Nelson
Hometown: Stillwater, Oklahoma
Major: Chemistry
Instrument: Clarinet
and Organizations:
Chi Sigma Chemistry Fraternity; Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity; Founding Father of Kappa
Kappa Psi
Other Accomplishments:
He later became
a physician with a well established practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was married to Gladys Nelson.